Matthew 4:16 The people who were dwelling in darkness have seen a brilliant light; and on those who were dwelling in the region of the shadow of death, on them light has dawned." (WEY)

Mark 9:3 His garments also became dazzling with brilliant whiteness--such whiteness as no bleaching on earth could give. (WEY)

Ecclesiastes 9:11 And again I saw under the sun that the reward goes not to him who is quick, or the fruits of war to the strong; and there is no bread for the wise, or wealth for men of learning, or respect for those who have knowledge; but time and chance come to all. (See NIV)

Ezekiel 1:4 And I look, and lo, a tempestuous wind is coming from the north, a great cloud, and fire catching itself, and brightness to it round about, and out of its midst as the colour of copper, out of the midst of the fire. (See NIV)

Ezekiel 1:27 And I see as the colour of copper, as the appearance of fire within it round about, from the appearance of his loins and upward, and from the appearance of his loins and downward, I have seen as the appearance of fire, and brightness 'is' to it round about. (See NIV)