Beauty David Dwellings Exalted Family Glory Greater Honor Inhabitant Inhabitants Jerusalem Jerusalem's Judah Magnified Magnify Salvation Save Saved Tents Themselves Victory

12:7 The LORD also shall save the {d} tents of Judah first, that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem may not magnify [themselves] against Judah.

(d) The people who are now as it were dispersed by the fields, and lie open to their enemies, will be preserved by my power just as if they were under their kings (which is meant by the house of David), or in their defended cities.

12:7 The tents - The unfenced places, the open country, the cottages, or tents. First - First the weaker are saved, next the stronger. The glory - That the illustrious house of David, and the glorious citizens of Jerusalem may not boast of their power, policy and courage.

12:1-8 Here is a Divine prediction, which will be a heavy burden to all the enemies of the church. But it is for Israel; for their comfort and benefit. It is promised that God will make foolish the counsels, and weaken the courage of the enemies of the church. The exact meaning is not clear; but God often begins by calling the poor and despised; and in that day even the feeblest will resemble David, and be as eminent in courage and every thing good. Desirable indeed is it that the examples and labours of Christians should render them as fire among wood, as a torch in a sheaf, to kindle the flame of Divine love, to spread religion on the right hand and on the left.

David Dwellings Exalted Family First Glory Great Greater Honor House Inhabitants Jerusalem Jerusalem's Judah Magnified Magnify Salvation Save Saved Tents Themselves Victory

David Dwellings Exalted Family First Glory Great Greater Honor House Inhabitants Jerusalem Jerusalem's Judah Magnified Magnify Salvation Save Saved Tents Themselves Victory