88 Chief Dance Dancers Ezrahite Flutes Fountains Heman Instruments Joy Korah Leannoth Mahalath Maschil Musician Play Players Psalm Sing Singers Song Sons Springs Thoughts Whether

87:7 As well the singers as the players on instruments [shall be there]: all my {g} springs [are] in thee.

(g) The prophet sets his whole affections and comfort in the church.

87:7 Singers - There shall be great rejoicing and praising God, both with vocal and instrumental musick, for this glorious work of the conversion of the Gentiles. He describe's evangelical worship, by legal phrases and customs, as the prophets frequently do. In thee - In Zion or the church. These words may be here added as the burden of the song, which these singers are supposed to have sung, in the name of all the people of God. All our desires and delights are in thee, all the springs of mercy, grace, and glory, flow to us only in and thro' thee.

87:4-7 The church of Christ is more glorious and excellent than the nations of the earth. In the records of heaven, the meanest of those who are born again stand registered. When God renders to every man according to his works, he shall observe who enjoyed the privileges of his sanctuary. To them much was given, and of them much will be required. Let those that dwell in Zion, mark this, and live up to their profession. Zion's songs shall be sung with joy and triumph. The springs of the joy of a carnal worldling are in wealth and pleasure; but of a gracious soul, in the word of God and prayer. All grace and consolation are derived from Christ, through his ordinances, to the souls of believers.

Alike Chief Dance Dancers Ezrahite Flutes Fountains Heman Instruments Joy Korah Leannoth Mahalath Maschil Music Musician Play Players Psalm Sing Singers Song Springs Thoughts Whether

Alike Chief Dance Dancers Ezrahite Flutes Fountains Heman Instruments Joy Korah Leannoth Mahalath Maschil Music Musician Play Players Psalm Sing Singers Song Springs Thoughts Whether