Bright Eternal Everlasting Excellent Full Game Glorious Glory Hills Honourable Majestic Mountains Prey Resplendent Rich Shining

76:4 Thou [art] more glorious [and] excellent than {c} the mountains of prey.

(c) He compares the kingdom full of extortion and rapine to the mountains that are full of ravening beasts.

76:4 Thou - O God. Than - The greatest kings and empires of the earth, which in prophetic writings are often compared to mountains. And they are called mountains of prey, because they generally were established by tyranny, and maintained by preying upon their own subjects, or other kingdoms.

76:1-6 Happy people are those who have their land filled with the knowledge of God! happy persons that have their hearts filled with that knowledge! It is the glory and happiness of a people to have God among them by his ordinances. Wherein the enemies of the church deal proudly, it will appear that God is above them. See the power of God's rebukes. With pleasure may Christians apply this to the advantages bestowed by the Redeemer.

Bright Eternal Everlasting Excellent Full Game Glorious Glory Hills Honourable Light Majestic Mountains Prey Resplendent Rich Shining

Bright Eternal Everlasting Excellent Full Game Glorious Glory Hills Honourable Light Majestic Mountains Prey Resplendent Rich Shining