Bear Dissolved Dwell Establish Established Feeble Firm Firmly Hold Inhabitants Melt Melted Myself Pillars Pondered Quake Selah Steady Support Thereof Totters

75:3 The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: I bear up the pillars {d} of it. Selah.

(d) Though all things are brought to ruin, yet I can restore and preserve them.

75:3 Dissolved - Or, destroyed; by intestine divisions and wars. I hear - I support it, by maintaining religion and justice, by setting up good magistrates, and encouraging good ministers, and good men, who are indeed the pillars of a nation.

75:1-5 We often pray for mercy, when in pursuit of it; and shall we only once or twice give thanks, when we obtain it? God shows that he is nigh to us in what we call upon him for. Public trusts are to be managed uprightly. This may well be applied to Christ and his government. Man's sin threatened to destroy the whole creation; but Christ saved the world from utter ruin. He who is made of God to us wisdom, bids us be wise. To the proud, daring sinners he says, Boast not of your power, persist not in contempt. All the present hopes and future happiness of the human race spring from the Son of God.

Bear Dissolved Dwell Earth Establish Established Feeble Firm Firmly Hold Inhabitants Melt Melted Pillars Pondered Quake Selah Steady Support Thereof Totters

Bear Dissolved Dwell Earth Establish Established Feeble Firm Firmly Hold Inhabitants Melt Melted Pillars Pondered Quake Selah Steady Support Thereof Totters