Arise Arouse Attack Awake Behold Fault Guilt Meet Plight Prepare Punishment Quickly Ready Rise Rouse Run Sin Stir Themselves Thyself Wrong Yet

59:4 Run - To and fro, to receive Saul's commands, and to execute them with all speed.

59:1-7 In these words we hear the voice of David when a prisoner in his own house; the voice of Christ when surrounded by his merciless enemies; the voice of the church when under bondage in the world; and the voice of the Christian when under temptation, affliction, and persecution. And thus earnestly should we pray daily, to be defended and delivered from our spiritual enemies, the temptations of Satan, and the corruptions of our own hearts. We should fear suffering as evil-doers, but not be ashamed of the hatred of workers of iniquity. It is not strange, if those regard not what they themselves say, who have made themselves believe that God regards not what they say. And where there is no fear of God, there is nothing to secure proper regard to man.

Arise Arouse Attack Awake Fault Guilt Help Meet Plight Prepare Punishment Quickly Ready Rise Rouse Run Sin Stir Themselves Thyself Wrong

Arise Arouse Attack Awake Fault Guilt Help Meet Plight Prepare Punishment Quickly Ready Rise Rouse Run Sin Stir Themselves Thyself Wrong