Desire Desired Dwell Enthroned Forever Rest Resting Resting-place Sit

132:14 This [is] my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have {i} desired it.

(i) Meaning, for his own sake and not for the plentifulness of the place: for he promises to bless it, declaring before that it was barren.

132:11-18 The Lord never turns from us when we plead the covenant with his anointed Prophet, Priest, and King. How vast is the love of God to man, that he should speak thus concerning his church! It is his desire to dwell with us; yet how little do we desire to dwell with him! He abode in Zion till the sins of Israel caused him to give them up to the spoilers. Forsake us not, O God, and deliver us not in like manner, sinful though we are. God's people have a special blessing on common enjoyments, and that blessing puts peculiar sweetness into them. Zion's poor have reason to be content with a little of this world, because they have better things prepared for them. God will abundantly bless the nourishment of the new man, and satisfy the poor in spirit with the bread of life. He gives more than we ask, and when he gives salvation, he will give abundant joy. God would bring to nothing every design formed to destroy the house of David, until King Messiah should arise out of it, to sit upon the throne of his Father. In him all the promises centre. His enemies, who will not have him to reign over them, shall at the last day be clothed with shame and confusion for ever.

Desire Desired Dwell Enthroned Forever Live Rest Resting Resting-Place Sit

Desire Desired Dwell Enthroned Forever Live Rest Resting Resting-Place Sit