Bringeth Brings Command Commandment Debt Despises Despiseth Despising Destroyed Destruction Feareth Fearing Fears Held Instruction Law Makes Pay Repayed Respecter Respects Rewarded Sport Suffer Thereby
13:13 Whoever despiseth {g} the word shall be destroyed: but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.
(g) Meaning the word of God, by which he is admonished of his duty.
13:13 The word - The word of God.
13:13. He that stands in awe of God, and reverences his word, shall escape destruction, and be rewarded for his godly fear.
Command Commandment Debt Despises Despiseth Destroyed Destruction Feareth Fearing Fears Held Instruction Law Makes Pay Repayed Respecter Respects Rewarded Scorns Sport Suffer Thereby Word
Command Commandment Debt Despises Despiseth Destroyed Destruction Feareth Fearing Fears Held Instruction Law Makes Pay Repayed Respecter Respects Rewarded Scorns Sport Suffer Thereby Word