Descendants Dwelleth Dwelt Gilead Giveth Living-place Machir Makirites Manasseh Manas'seh Settled Therein

32:40 Machir - Not to Machir himself, who doubtless was long since dead, but the family or posterity of Machir.

32:28-42 Concerning the settlement of these tribes, observe, that they built the cities, that is, repaired them. They changed the names of them; probably they were idolatrous, therefore they should be forgotten. A spirit of selfishness, of seeking our own, not the things of Christ, when each one ought to assist others, is as dangerous as it is common. It is impossible to be sincere in the faith, sensible of the goodness of God, constrained by the love of Christ, sanctified by the power of the Holy Ghost, and yet be indifferent to the progress of religion, and the spiritual success of others, through love of ease, or fear of conflict. Let then your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Descendants Dwelleth Dwelt Living-Place Machir Makirites Manasseh Manas'seh Settled Therein

Descendants Dwelleth Dwelt Living-Place Machir Makirites Manasseh Manas'seh Settled Therein