Ashes Camp Carry Ceremonially Clean Clothing Forth Garments Linen Outside Robes Stripped Tent-circle

6:11 Other garments - Because this was no sacred, but a common work. A clean place - Where no dung or filth was laid. The priest himself was to do all this. God's servants must think nothing below them but sin.

6:8-13 The daily sacrifice of a lamb is chiefly referred to. The priest must take care of the fire upon the altar. The first fire upon the altar came from heaven, ch. 9:24; by keeping that up continually, all their sacrifices might be said to be consumed with the fire from heaven, in token of God's acceptance. Thus should the fire of our holy affections, the exercise of our faith and love, of prayer and praise, be without ceasing.

Ashes Camp Carry Ceremonially Clean Clothes Clothing Forth Garments Linen Others Outside Robes Stripped Tent-Circle

Ashes Camp Carry Ceremonially Clean Clothes Clothing Forth Garments Linen Others Outside Robes Stripped Tent-Circle