Aaron Aaron's Age-during Due Eat Eaten Everlasting Fire Fire-offerings Forever Holy Lord's Offerings Perpetual Portion Regular Rule Share Sons Statute

24:9 It - The old bread now to be taken away. Made by fire - The incense was offered by fire, and that for or instead of the bread, and therefore the bread was reputed as if it had been so offered.

24:1-9 The loaves of bread typify Christ as the Bread of life, and the food of the souls of his people. He is the Light of his church, the Light of the world; in and through his word this light shines. By this light we discern the food prepared for our souls; and we should daily, but especially from sabbath to sabbath, feed thereon in our hearts with thanksgiving. And as the loaves were left in the sanctuary, so should we abide with God till he dismiss us.

Aaron Aaron's Age-During Belongs Due Eat Eaten Everlasting Fire Fire-Offerings Food Forever Holy Jehovah's LORD'S Offerings Part Perpetual Portion Regular Rule Share Statute

Aaron Aaron's Age-During Belongs Due Eat Eaten Everlasting Fire Fire-Offerings Food Forever Holy Jehovah's LORD'S Offerings Part Perpetual Portion Regular Rule Share Statute