Age-during Cause Congregation Death Die Die-it Drink Everlasting Fermented Forever Generations Generations- Lasting Lest Meeting Order Ordinance Perpetual Sons Statute Strong Tabernacle Tent Throughout Whenever Wine

10:9 Drink not wine - it is not improbable, that the sin of Nadab and Abihu was owing to this very thing. But if not, yet drunkenness is so odious a sin in itself, especially in a minister, and most of all in the time of his administration of sacred things, that God saw fit to prevent all occasions of it. And hence the devil, who is God's ape, required this abstinence from his priests in their idolatrous service.

10:8-11 Do not drink wine or strong drink. During the time they ministered, the priests were forbidden it. It is required of gospel ministers, that they be not given to wine, 1Ti 3:3. It is, Lest ye die; die when ye are in drink. The danger of death, to which we are continually exposed, should engage all to be sober.

Age-During Cause Congregation Death Die Drink Everlasting Fermented Forever Generations Meeting Order Ordinance Perpetual Statute Strong Tabernacle Tent Throughout Whenever Wine

Age-During Cause Congregation Death Die Drink Everlasting Fermented Forever Generations Meeting Order Ordinance Perpetual Statute Strong Tabernacle Tent Throughout Whenever Wine