Bare Bore Continued Crowd Dead Grave However Large Lazarus Laz'arus Multitude Present Raise Raised Record Related Spread Talking Testify Testifying Testimony Tomb Voice Witness Witnessed

12:12-15 On the next day. Sunday. For notes on the entrance to Jerusalem, see Mt 21:1-11. Compare Mr 11:1-11 Lu 19:29-44.

12:17 When he called Lazarus out of the tomb - How admirably does the apostle express, as well the greatness of the miracle, as the facility with which it was wrought! The easiness of the Scripture style on the most grand occurrences, is more sublime than all the pomp of orators.

12:12-19 Christ's riding in triumph to Jerusalem is recorded by all the evangelists. Many excellent things, both in the word and providence of God, disciples do not understand at their first acquaintance with the things of God. The right understanding of spiritual nature of Christ's kingdom, prevents our misapplying the Scriptures which speak of it.

Bare Bore Continued Crowd Dead Grave However Lazarus Laz'arus Multitude Present Raise Raised Record Related Spread Talking Testify Testifying Testimony Tomb Voice Witness Witnessed

Bare Bore Continued Crowd Dead Grave However Lazarus Laz'arus Multitude Present Raise Raised Record Related Spread Talking Testify Testifying Testimony Tomb Voice Witness Witnessed