Cloud Clouds Excellence Excellency Goes Heavens Height Lifted Loftiness Mount Pride Reach Reaches Strike Though Touches

20:6 Though {b} his excellency mount up to the heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds;

(b) His purpose is to prove Job to be a wicked man, and a hypocrite, because God punished him, and changed his prosperity into adversity.

20:6 Though - Though he be advanced to great dignity and authority.

20:1-9 Zophar's discourse is upon the certain misery of the wicked. The triumph of the wicked and the joy of the hypocrite are fleeting. The pleasures and gains of sin bring disease and pain; they end in remorse, anguish, and ruin. Dissembled piety is double iniquity, and the ruin that attends it will be accordingly.

Cloud Clouds Excellence Excellency Goes Head Heavens Height Loftiness Mount Pride Reach Reaches Strike Touches

Cloud Clouds Excellence Excellency Goes Head Heavens Height Loftiness Mount Pride Reach Reaches Strike Touches