Beg Beseech Bring Clay Dust Fashioned Hast Mind Molded O Remember Turn Wilt

10:9 Remember, I beseech thee, that thou hast made me as {l} the clay; and wilt thou bring me into dust again?

(l) As brittle as a pot of clay.

10:9 Clay - As a potter makes a vessel of clay; so this may note both the frailty of man's nature, which of itself decays and perishes, and doth not need such violent shocks to overthrow it; and the excellency of the Divine artifice commended from the meanness of the materials; which is an argument why God should not destroy it. Again - I must die by the course of nature, and therefore while I do live, give me some ease and comfort.

10:8-13 Job seems to argue with God, as if he only formed and preserved him for misery. God made us, not we ourselves. How sad that those bodies should be instruments of unrighteousness, which are capable of being temples of the Holy Ghost! But the soul is the life, the soul is the man, and this is the gift of God. If we plead with ourselves as an inducement to duty, God made me and maintains me, we may plead as an argument for mercy, Thou hast made me, do thou new-make me; I am thine, save me.

Beg Beseech Clay Dust Earth Fashioned Mind Molded Remember Turn Wilt

Beg Beseech Clay Dust Earth Fashioned Mind Molded Remember Turn Wilt