Ammon Ammonites Cities Dispossessed Dwell Dwelt Gad Heir Heirs Heritage Inherit Malcam Milcom Molech None Possess Possessed Possession Putting Says Settled Sons Thereof Thus Towns Wherefore

49:1 Concerning the {a} Ammonites, thus saith the LORD; Hath Israel no sons? hath he no heir? why [then] doth their king {b} inherit Gad, and his people dwell in {c} his cities?

(a) They were separated from the Moabites by the river Arnon, and after the ten tribes were carried away into captivity, they invaded the country of Gad.

(b) That is, of the Ammonites.

(c) Meaning, of the Israelites.

49:1 No heir - During the long tract of time that there were wars between the Jews and Ammonites, the land of Gad and Reuben which lay beyond Jordan, fell into the hands of the Syrians, Moabites, and Ammonites. Hence it is that the prophet saith, Hath Israel no sons? God had given that country of Gilead to Manasseh, Reuben, and Gad; and as mens estates ought to descend to their heirs, so this land should have descended to their posterity, but the Ammonites had taken and possessed it.

49:1-6. Might often prevails against right among men, yet that might shall be controlled by the Almighty, who judges aright; and those will find themselves mistaken, who, like the Ammonites, think every thing their own on which they can lay their hands. The Lord will call men to account for every instance of dishonesty, especially to the destitute.

Ammon Ammonites Children Cities Dispossessed Dwell Gad Heir Heritage Inherit Israel Live Malcam Milcom Molech Possess Possession Settled Thereof Towns

Ammon Ammonites Children Cities Dispossessed Dwell Gad Heir Heritage Inherit Israel Live Malcam Milcom Molech Possess Possession Settled Thereof Towns