TRUE Act Amongst Faith Faithful Jeremiah Message Sends Wherewith Witness

42:5 Then they said to Jeremiah, {b} The LORD be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for which the LORD thy God shall send thee to us.

(b) There are as ready to abuse the Name of God and take it in vain as the hypocrites who colour their falsehood, use it without all reverence and make it a means for them to deceive the simple and the godly.

42:1-6 To serve a turn, Jeremiah is sought out, and the captains ask for his assistance. In every difficult, doubtful case, we must look to God for direction; and we may still, in faith, pray to be guided by a spirit of wisdom in our hearts, and the leadings of Providence. We do not truly desire to know the mind of God, if we do not fully resolve to comply with it when we know it. Many promise to do what the Lord requires, while they hope to have their pride flattered, and their favourite lusts spared. Yet something betrays the state of their hearts.

Accordance Act Amongst Faith Faithful Good Jeremiah Message Sends True. Wherewith Whole Witness Word

Accordance Act Amongst Faith Faithful Good Jeremiah Message Sends True. Wherewith Whole Witness Word