Asses Beasts Brethren Bring Brothers Camels Carriages Carts Cereal Ceremonially Chariot Chariots Clean Countrymen Covered Dromedaries Fitters Grain Holy Horses Israelites Jerusalem Litters Mountain Mules Nations Oblation Offering Offerings Present Says Sons Swift Temple Vessel Vessels Waggons Wagons

66:20 And they shall bring all your {f} brethren [for] an offering to the LORD out of all nations upon {g} horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the LORD, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD.

(f) That is the Gentiles, who by faith will be made the children of Abraham as you are.

(g) By which he means that no necessary means will want, when God will call the Gentiles to the knowledge of the gospel.

66:20 Your brethren - Those who are the children of Abraham, not considered as the father of the Jewish nation only, but considered as the father of many nations, and as the father of the faithful, and so are your brethren, shall be brought out of all nations for an offering to the Lord. Holy mountain - And they shall be brought into the church, which began at Jerusalem. As - And they shall come with as much joy and gladness, with as much sincerity and holiness, as the Godly Jews do when they bring their offerings in clean vessels.

66:19,20, set forth the abundance of means for conversion of sinners. These expressions are figurative, and express the plentiful and gracious helps for bringing God's elect home to Christ. All shall be welcome; and nothing shall be wanting for their assistance and encouragement. A gospel ministry shall be set up in the church; they would have solemn worship before the Lord. In the last verse the nature of the punishment of sinners in the world to come is represented. Then shall the righteous and wicked be separated. Our Saviour applies this to the everlasting misery and torment of impenitent sinners in the future state. To the honour of that free grace which thus distinguishes them, let the redeemed of the Lord, with humility, and not without holy trembling, sing triumphant songs. With this affecting representation of the opposite states of the righteous and wicked, characters which include the whole human race, Isaiah concludes his prophecies. May God grant, for Christ's sake, that our portion may be with those who fear and love his name, who cleave to his truths, and persevere in every good work, looking to receive from the Lord Jesus Christ the gracious invitation, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Beasts Chariots Children Clean Dromedaries Holy Horses House Israel Jerusalem Mountain Mules Nations Offering Swift Vessel

Beasts Chariots Children Clean Dromedaries Holy Horses House Israel Jerusalem Mountain Mules Nations Offering Swift Vessel