Bruise Cause Caused Crush Delighted Disease Grief Guilt Itself Lord's Makes Offer Offering Offspring Pleased Pleasure Prolong Prolongeth Prosper Purpose Putting Render Restitution Seed Sick Sin Soul Subjected Suffer Suffering Though Yet

53:10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put [him] to grief: when {o} thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see [his] seed, he shall prolong [his] days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

(o) Christ by offering up himself will give life to his Church, and so cause them to live with him forever.

53:10 He - God was the principal cause of all his sufferings, tho' mens sins were the deserving cause. When - When thou, O God, shalt have made, thy son a sacrifice, by giving him up to death for the atonement of mens sins. His soul is here put for his life, or for himself. Shall see - He shall have a numerous issue of believers reconciled by God, and saved by his death. Prolong - He shall live and reign with God for ever. The pleasure - God's gracious decree for the salvation of mankind shall be effectually carried on by his ministry and mediation.

53:10-12 Come, and see how Christ loved us! We could not put him in our stead, but he put himself. Thus he took away the sin of the world, by taking it on himself. He made himself subject to death, which to us is the wages of sin. Observe the graces and glories of his state of exaltation. Christ will not commit the care of his family to any other. God's purposes shall take effect. And whatever is undertaken according to God's pleasure shall prosper. He shall see it accomplished in the conversion and salvation of sinners. There are many whom Christ justifies, even as many as he gave his life a ransom for. By faith we are justified; thus God is most glorified, free grace most advanced, self most abased, and our happiness secured. We must know him, and believe in him, as one that bore our sins, and saved us from sinking under the load, by taking it upon himself. Sin and Satan, death and hell, the world and the flesh, are the strong foes he has vanquished. What God designed for the Redeemer he shall certainly possess. When he led captivity captive, he received gifts for men, that he might give gifts to men. While we survey the sufferings of the Son of God, let us remember our long catalogue of transgressions, and consider him as suffering under the load of our guilt. Here is laid a firm foundation for the trembling sinner to rest his soul upon. We are the purchase of his blood, and the monuments of his grace; for this he continually pleads and prevails, destroying the works of the devil.

Bruise Cause Caused Crush Disease Good Grief Hand Itself Lord's Makes Offer Offering Offspring Pleased Pleasure Prolong Prosper Putting Render Restitution Seed Sin Soul Suffer

Bruise Cause Caused Crush Disease Good Grief Hand Itself Lord's Makes Offer Offering Offspring Pleased Pleasure Prolong Prosper Putting Render Restitution Seed Sin Soul Suffer