Aware Behold Desert Desolate Dry Floods Forth Making Note Perceive Rivers Roadway Spring Springeth Springs Starting Streams Waste Wasteland Wilderness Yea

43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the {t} wilderness, [and] rivers in the desert.

(t) Meaning, that their deliverance out of Babylon would be more famous than that from Egypt was, Jer 23:7, Hag 2:10, 2Co 5:17, Re 21:5,7.

43:19 A new thing - Such a work as was never yet done in the world. Now - The scripture often speaks of things at a great distance of time, as if they were now at hand; to make us sensible of the inconsiderableness of time, and all temporal things, in comparison of God, and eternal things; upon which account it is said, that a thousand years are in God's sight but as one day.

43:14-21 The deliverance from Babylon is foretold, but there is reference to greater events. The redemption of sinners by Christ, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the recall of the Jews, are described. All that is to be done to rescue sinners, and to bring the believer to glory, is little, compared with that wondrous work of love, the redemption of man.

Aware Country Desert Desolate Dry Floods Forth Making New Note Perceive Rivers Roadway Something Spring Springeth Springs Starting Streams Waste Wasteland Way Wilderness

Aware Country Desert Desolate Dry Floods Forth Making New Note Perceive Rivers Roadway Something Spring Springeth Springs Starting Streams Waste Wasteland Way Wilderness