Deep Giving Makes Maketh Mighty Path Road Says Strong Thus Waters

43:16 Thus saith the LORD, who maketh a way in {p} the sea, and a path in the mighty {q} waters;

(p) When he delivered Israel from Pharaoh, Ex 14:22.

(q) When the Israelites passed through Jordan, Jos 3:17.

43:14-21 The deliverance from Babylon is foretold, but there is reference to greater events. The redemption of sinners by Christ, the conversion of the Gentiles, and the recall of the Jews, are described. All that is to be done to rescue sinners, and to bring the believer to glory, is little, compared with that wondrous work of love, the redemption of man.

Deep Makes Maketh Mighty Path Road Sea Strong Waters Way Word

Deep Makes Maketh Mighty Path Road Sea Strong Waters Way Word