Afar Ago Ancient Bring Broken Cities Crash Defenced Design Desolate Destroy Determined Ears Effect Fashioned Fenced Formed Fortified Hast Heaps Laid Lay Masses Ordained Pass Past Piles Planned Purposing Ruinous Ruins Shouldest Shouldst Stone Strong Towns Turn Turning Walls Waste Yea Yours

37:26 Hast thou not heard long ago, [how] I have done it; [and] of ancient times, {r} that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste fortified cities [into] ruinous heaps.

(r) Signifying that God did not make his Church to destroy it, but to preserve it: and therefore he says that he formed it of old, even in his eternal counsel which cannot be changed.

37:1-38 This chapter is the same as 2Ki 19

Ago Ancient Broken Cities Defenced Design Destroy Determined Ears Effect Fashioned Formed Fortified Have Heaps Heard Lay Masses Past Piles Planned Purposing Ruinous Shouldest Shouldst Strong Times Towns Turn Turned Turning Walls Waste

Ago Ancient Broken Cities Defenced Design Destroy Determined Ears Effect Fashioned Formed Fortified Have Heaps Heard Lay Masses Past Piles Planned Purposing Ruinous Shouldest Shouldst Strong Times Towns Turn Turned Turning Walls Waste