Bethel Beth-el Calleth However Luz Named Previously Though Town Yet

28:19 It had been called Luz, an almond - tree, but he will have it henceforth called Beth - el, the house of God. This gracious appearance of God to him made it more remarkable than all the almond - trees that flourished there.

28:16-19 God manifested himself and his favour, to Jacob, when he was asleep. The Spirit, like the wind, blows when and where it listeth, and God's grace, like the dew, tarrieth not for the sons of men. Jacob sought to improve the visit God had made him. Wherever we are, in the city or in the desert, in the house or in the field, in the shop or in the street, we may keep up our intercourse with Heaven, if it is not our own fault. But the more we see of God, the more cause we see for holy trembling before him.

Bethel Beth-El City First House However Luz Previously Time Used

Bethel Beth-El City First House However Luz Previously Time Used