Along Animal Animals Beast Beasts Cattle Creatures Creepeth Creeping Creeps Face Ground Kind Kinds Livestock Maketh Move Moving Sort

1:24-25 We have here the first part of the sixth day's work. The sea was the day before replenished with fish, and the air with fowl; and this day are made the beasts of the earth, cattle, and the creeping things that pertain to the earth. Here, as before,

(1.) The Lord gave the word: he said, Let The earth bring forth - Let these creatures come into being upon the earth, and out of it, in their respective kinds.

2. He also did the work; he made them all after their kind - Not only of divers shapes, but of divers natures, manners, food, and fashions: In all which appears the manifold wisdom of the Creator.

1:20-25 God commanded the fish and fowl to be produced. This command he himself executed. Insects, which are more numerous than the birds and beasts, and as curious, seem to have been part of this day's work. The Creator's wisdom and power are to be admired as much in an ant as in an elephant. The power of God's providence preserves all things, and fruitfulness is the effect of his blessing.

Animal Animals Beast Beasts Cattle Creatures Creepeth Creeping Creeps Earth Face Good Ground Kind Kinds Livestock Maketh Move Moving Sort Wild

Animal Animals Beast Beasts Cattle Creatures Creepeth Creeping Creeps Earth Face Good Ground Kind Kinds Livestock Maketh Move Moving Sort Wild