Anyone Astray Behold Build Buildeth Building Builds Built Cause Chalk Cover Daub Daubed Daubing Definitely Division Err Error Flimsy Guiding Led Misled Mortar Morter Peace Plaster Prophets Saying Seduced Slight Untempered Wall Whited Whitewash Yea

13:10 Because, even because they have seduced my people, saying, {f} Peace; and [there was] no peace; and one built up a {g} wall, and, lo, others daubed it with untempered [mortar]:

(f) Read Geneva Jer 6:14

(g) While the true prophets prophesied the destruction of the city to bring the people to repentance, the false prophets spoke the contrary, and flattered them in their vanities, so that what one false prophet said

(which is here called the building of the wall) another false prophet would affirm, though he had neither opportunity nor good ground to hear him.

13:10 Peace - They told sinners, no harm would happen to them. And those are the most dangerous seducers, who suggest to sinners that which tends to lessen their dread of sin, or their fear of God. These are compared to men who build a slight tottering wall, which others daub with untempered mortar; sorry stuff, that will not bind, nor hold the bricks together: doctrines not grounded on the word of God.

13:10-16 One false prophet built the wall, set up the notion that Jerusalem should be victorious, and made himself acceptable by it. Others made the matter yet more plausible and promising; they daubed the wall which the first had built; but they would, ere long, be undeceived when their work was beaten down by the storm of God's just wrath; when the Chaldean army desolated the land. Hopes of peace and happiness, not warranted by the word of God, will cheat men; like a wall well daubed, but ill built.

Astray Build Buildeth Building Builds Built Cause Cover Daub Daubed Definitely Division Error Guiding Led Misled Mortar Morter Others Peace Plaster Seduced Slight Untempered Wall Whited Whitewash

Astray Build Buildeth Building Builds Built Cause Cover Daub Daubed Definitely Division Error Guiding Led Misled Mortar Morter Others Peace Plaster Seduced Slight Untempered Wall Whited Whitewash