Ashes Command Commandment Covered Crying Decree Dust Edict Fasting Haircloth Jews Kingdom King's Lamenting Law Lay Mourning Numbers Order Province Sackcloth Sorrow Spread Stretched Wailing Weeping Wherever Whithersoever
4:1-4 Mordecai avowed his relation to the Jews. Public calamities, that oppress the church of God, should affect our hearts more than any private affliction, and it is peculiarly distressing to occasion sufferings to others. God will keep those that are exposed to evil by the tenderness of their consciences.
Ashes Command Commandment Covered Crying Decree Dust Earth Edict Fasting Food Great Haircloth Jews Kingdom King's Law Lay Mourning Numbers Order Part Province Sackcloth Sorrow Spread Stretched Wailing Weeping Wherever Whithersoever Word
Ashes Command Commandment Covered Crying Decree Dust Earth Edict Fasting Food Great Haircloth Jews Kingdom King's Law Lay Mourning Numbers Order Part Province Sackcloth Sorrow Spread Stretched Wailing Weeping Wherever Whithersoever Word