Abhor Abominate Alien Brother Detest Edomite E'domite Egyptian Foreigner Hast Hate Sojourner Stranger Wast
23:7 Thou wast a stranger - And didst receive habitation, protection and provision from them a long time, which kindness thou must not forget for their following persecution. It is ordinary with men, that one injury blots out the remembrance of twenty courtesies; but God doth not deal so with us, nor will he have us to deal so with others, but commands us to forget injuries, and to remember kindnesses.
23:1-8 We ought to value the privileges of God's people, both for ourselves and for our children, above all other advantages. No personal blemishes, no crimes of our forefathers, no difference of nation, shuts us out under the Christian dispensation. But an unsound heart will deprive us of blessings; and a bad example, or an unsuitable marriage, may shut our children from them.
Abhor Abominate Alien Country Detest Edomite E'domite Egyptian Hate Sojourner Stranger Wast
Abhor Abominate Alien Country Detest Edomite E'domite Egyptian Hate Sojourner Stranger Wast