Assembly Bruised Congregation Crushed Crushing Cut Cutting Emasculated Enter Eunuch Lord's Maimed Male Meeting Member Mutilated Organ Private Privy Secrets Stones Testicles Whether Wounded

23:1 He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, {a} shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.

(a) Either to bear office, or to marry a wife.

23:1 He that is wounded - A phrase denoting an eunuch. Shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord - Shall not be admitted to honours and offices either in the church or commonwealth of Israel; and so the congregation of the Lord doth not here signify, the body of the people, but the society of the elders or rulers of the people. Add to this, that the Hebrew word, Kahal, generally signifies a congregation or company of men met together; and therefore this cannot so conveniently be meant of all the body of the people, which could never meet in one place, but of the chief rulers, which frequently did so. Nor is it strange that eunuchs are excluded from government, both because such persons are commonly observed to want that courage which is necessary for a governor, because as such persons ordinarily were despicable, so the authority in their hands was likely to be exposed to the same contempt.

23:1-8 We ought to value the privileges of God's people, both for ourselves and for our children, above all other advantages. No personal blemishes, no crimes of our forefathers, no difference of nation, shuts us out under the Christian dispensation. But an unsound heart will deprive us of blessings; and a bad example, or an unsuitable marriage, may shut our children from them.

Assembly Bruised Congregation Crushed Crushing Cut Enter Eunuch Lord's Maimed Male Meeting Member Mutilated Organ Parts Private Privy Secrets Stones Testicles Whether Wounded

Assembly Bruised Congregation Crushed Crushing Cut Enter Eunuch Lord's Maimed Male Meeting Member Mutilated Organ Parts Private Privy Secrets Stones Testicles Whether Wounded