Border Coast Desert Euphrates Euphra'tes Extend Farther Foot Hinder Lebanon Limit Limits Phrat River Sole Soles Territory Tread Treadeth Treads Uttermost Waste Western Whereon Wilderness Yours

11:24 Every place whereon the soles of {h} your feet shall tread shall be yours: from the wilderness and Lebanon, from the river, the river Euphrates, even unto the uttermost {i} sea shall your coast be.

(h) This was accomplished in David and Solomon's time.

(i) The Mediterranean.

11:24 Every place - Not absolutely, as the Rabbins fondly conceit, but in the promised land, as it is restrained in the following words; either by possession, or by dominion, namely, upon condition of your obedience. The wilderness - Of Sin, on the south - side. To Lebanon - Which was on the north border. Euphrates - On the east. So far the right of dominion extended, but that their sins cut them short: and so far Solomon extended his dominion. The uttermost sea - The western or midland sea.

11:18-25 Let all be directed by the three rules here given. 1. Let our hearts be filled with the word of God. There will not be good practices in the life, unless there be good thoughts, good affections, and good principles in the heart. 2. Let our eyes be fixed upon the word of God, having constant regard to it as the guide of our way, as the rule of our work, Ps 119:30. 3. Let our tongues be employed about the word of God. Nor will any thing do more to cause prosperity, and keeping up religion in a nation, than the good education of children.

Border Coast Desert Euphrates Euphra'tes Extend Hinder Lebanon Phrat River Sea Sole Soles Territory Tread Treadeth Treads Uttermost Waste Western Whereon Wilderness

Border Coast Desert Euphrates Euphra'tes Extend Hinder Lebanon Phrat River Sea Sole Soles Territory Tread Treadeth Treads Uttermost Waste Western Whereon Wilderness