Anyone David Family Friend Jonathan Jonathan's Kindness Sake Saul Saul's Shew Yet

9:1 And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I may shew him kindness for {a} Jonathan's sake?

(a) Because of my oath and promise made to Jonathan, 1Sa 20:15.

9:1 Of Saul - He saith not of the house of Jonathan, for he knew not of any son he had left, and therefore thought his kindness and obligation was to pass to the next of his kindred. As for Mephibosheth, he was very young and obscure, and possibly concealed by his friends, lest David should cut him off, as hath been usual among princes.

9:1-8 Amidst numerous affairs we are apt to forget the gratitude we owe, and the engagements we are under, not only to our friends, but to God himself. Yet persons of real godliness will have no rest till they have discharged them. And the most proper objects of kindness and charity, frequently will not be found without inquiry. Jonathan was David's sworn friend, therefore he shows kindness to his son Mephibosheth. God is faithful to us; let us not be unfaithful to one another. If Providence has raised us, and our friends and their families are brought low, we must look upon that as giving us the fairer opportunity of being kind to them.

David Family Friend House Jonathan Jonathan's Kindness Sake Saul Saul's Shew Show

David Family Friend House Jonathan Jonathan's Kindness Sake Saul Saul's Shew Show