Abiathar Abi'athar Ahimaaz Ahim'a-az Aren't Further Jonathan Peace Priest Return Seer Seest Sons Town Turn Zadok

15:27 A seer - A seeing, discerning, or observing man: for so the Hebrew verb raah is often used. And this suits well with David's mind: Thou art a wise man, and therefore fit to manage this great business, which requires prudence and secrecy.

15:24-30 David is very careful for the safety of the ark. It is right to be more concerned for the church's prosperity than our own; to prefer the success of the gospel above our own wealth, credit, ease, and safety. Observe with what satisfaction and submission David speaks of the Divine disposal. It is our interest, as well as our duty, cheerfully to acquiesce in the will of God, whatever befalls us. Let us see God's hand in all events; and that we may not be afraid of what shall be, let us see all events in God's hand. David's sin was ever before him, Ps 51:3; but never so plain, nor ever appearing so black as now. He never wept thus when Saul hunted him, but a wounded conscience makes troubles lie heavy, Ps 38:4.

Abiathar Abi'athar Ahimaaz Ahim'a-Az City Further Jonathan Peace Priest Seer Seest Turn Zadok

Abiathar Abi'athar Ahimaaz Ahim'a-Az City Further Jonathan Peace Priest Seer Seest Turn Zadok