Ahaz Elah Hoshea Hoshe'a Judah Nine Reign Reigned Ruling Samaria Sama'ria Twelfth

17:1 To reign - He usurped the kingdom in Ahaz's fourth year; but either was not owned as king, by the generality of the people; or was not accepted and established in his kingdom, 'till Ahaz's twelfth year. Nine - After his confirmation and peaceable possession of his kingdom: for in all, he reigned seventeen, or eighteen years; twelve with Ahaz, who reigned sixteen years, and six with Hezekiah.

17:1-6 When the measure of sin is filled up, the Lord will forbear no longer. The inhabitants of Samaria must have endured great affliction. Some of the poor Israelites were left in the land. Those who were carried captives to a great distance, were mostly lost among the nations.

Ahaz Elah Hoshea Hoshe'a Israel Judah Nine Reign Reigned Ruling Samaria Sama'ria Twelfth

Ahaz Elah Hoshea Hoshe'a Israel Judah Nine Reign Reigned Ruling Samaria Sama'ria Twelfth