Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Baal Baalzebub Baal-zebub Ba'al-ze'bub Chamber Consult Disease Ekron Enquire Fall Fallen Falleth Fell Ill Injured Injury Inquire Lattice Lay Messengers Outcome Question Recover Room Samaria Sama'ria Saying Sick Sickness Telling Upper Whether Window Zebub

1:2 And {a} Ahaziah fell down through a lattice in his upper chamber that [was] in Samaria, and was sick: and he sent messengers, and said unto them, Go, enquire of {b} Baalzebub the god of Ekron whether I shall recover of this disease.

(a) So that he was punished for his idolatry in two ways: for the Moabites which were wont to pay him tribute rebelled and he fell out a window which was high in his house to give light beneath.

(b) The Philistines who lived at Ekron worshipped this idol, the god of flies, thinking that he could preserve them from the biting of flies: or else he was so called, because flies were drawn in great abundance by the blood of the sacrifices that were offered to that idol.

1:2 Chamber - In which, the lattess might be left to convey light into the lower room. But the words may be rendered, through the battlements (or through the lattess in the battlements) of the roof of the house. Where, standing and looking through, and leaning upon this lattess, it broke, and he fell down into the court or garden. Baal - zebub - Properly, the god of flies; an idol so called, because it was supposed to deliver those people from flies; Jupiter and Hercules were called by a like name among the Grecians. And it is evident, both from sacred and prophane histories, That the idol - gods, did sometimes through God's permission, give the answers; though they were generally observed, even by the Heathens themselves, to be dark and doubtful.

1:1-8 When Ahaziah rebelled against the Lord, Moab revolted from him. Sin weakens and impoverishes us. Man's revolt from God is often punished by the rebellion of those who owe subjection to him. Ahaziah fell through a lattice, or railing. Wherever we go, there is but a step between us and death. A man's house is his castle, but not to secure him against God's judgments. The whole creation, which groans under the burden of man's sin, will, at length, sink and break under the weight like this lattice. He is never safe that has God for his enemy. Those that will not inquire of the word of God for their comfort, shall hear it to their terror, whether they will or no.

Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Baal Baalzebub Baal-Zebub Chamber Disease Ekron Enquire Fell Ill Inquire Lattice Messengers Recover Samaria Sama'ria Sick Sickness Telling Upper Whether Zebub

Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Baal Baalzebub Baal-Zebub Chamber Disease Ekron Enquire Fell Ill Inquire Lattice Messengers Recover Samaria Sama'ria Sick Sickness Telling Upper Whether Zebub