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35:21 The house - Against the house of the king of Assyria, between whom and me there is war. It is at thy peril, if thou engage against one who has both a better army, and a better cause and God on his side.

35:20-27 The Scripture does not condemn Josiah's conduct in opposing Pharaoh. Yet Josiah seems to deserve blame for not inquiring of the Lord after he was warned; his death might be a rebuke for his rashness, but it was a judgment on a hypocritical and wicked people. He that lives a life of repentance, faith, and obedience, cannot be affected by the sudden manner in which he is removed. The people lamented him. Many mourn over sufferings, who will not forsake the sins that caused God to send them. Yet this alone can turn away judgments. If we blame Josiah's conduct, we should be watchful, lest we be cut down in a way dishonourable to our profession.

Ambassadors Cease Command Commanded Destroy Embassadors Envoys Forbear Haste House Hurry Judah Meddling Messengers Neco Opposing Ordered Sake Speed Stop Today War Wherewith

Ambassadors Cease Command Commanded Destroy Embassadors Envoys Forbear Haste House Hurry Judah Meddling Messengers Neco Opposing Ordered Sake Speed Stop Today War Wherewith