Abundant Abundantly Bereaved Bereft Bodily Body Brethren Brothers Desire Diligence Eager Eagerly Earnestly Effort Endeavored Endeavoured Exceedingly Face Harder Hasten Heart Hour Intense Longing Moment Presence Season Separated Short Space Spirit-were Though Torn Tried While-in

2:17 {15} But we, brethren, {m} being taken from you for a short time in presence, not in heart, endeavoured the more abundantly to see your face with great desire.

(15) He meets with an objection, why he did not come to them immediately, being in such great misery: I often desired to, he says, and I was not able, but Satan hindered my endeavours, and therefore I sent Timothy my faithful companion to you, because you are most dear to me.

(m) Were kept apart from you, and as it were orphans.

2:17 We, brethren, being taken from you. Forced away from them, his heart remained with them.

2:17 In this verse we have a remarkable instance, not so much of the transient affections of holy grief, desire, or joy, as of that abiding tenderness, that loving temper, which is so apparent in all St. Paul's writings, towards those he styles his children in the faith. This is the more carefully to be observed, because the passions occasionally exercising themselves, and flowing like a torrent, in the apostle, are observable to every reader; whereas it requires a nicer attention to discern those calm standing tempers, that fixed posture of his soul, from whence the others only flow out, and which more peculiarly distinguish his character.

2:17-20 This world is not a place where we are to be always, or long together. In heaven holy souls shall meet, and never part more. And though the apostle could not come to them yet, and thought he might never be able to come, yet our Lord Jesus Christ will come; nothing shall hinder that. May God give faithful ministers to all who serve him with their spirit in the gospel of his Son, and send them to all who are in darkness

Abundant Abundantly Bereaved Bodily Body Desire Eagerly Earnestly Endeavored Endeavoured Exceedingly Face Great Harder Heart Intense Longing Presence Season Separated Short Thought Time Torn Tried Used

Abundant Abundantly Bereaved Bodily Body Desire Eagerly Earnestly Endeavored Endeavoured Exceedingly Face Great Harder Heart Intense Longing Presence Season Separated Short Thought Time Torn Tried Used