Cedar Desire Fir Furnished Galilee Gold Hiram Pine Solomon Supplied Towns Trees Twenty Tyre Wanted

9:11 Galilee - Or, near the land of Galilee, bordering upon it; in those parts which were near, and adjoining to Hiram's dominions: with the cities, understand the territories belonging to them. These cities, though they were within those large bounds which God fixed to the land of promise, Gen 15:18 Josh 1:4, yet were not within those parts which were distributed by lot in Joshua's time. It is probable they were not inhabited by Israelites, but by Canaanites, or other Heathens; who being subdued, and extirpated by David or Solomon, those cities became a part of their dominions; and afterwards were reckoned a part of Galilee, as Josephus notes.

9:10-14 Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities. Hiram did not like them. If Solomon would gratify him, let it be in his own element, by becoming his partner in trade, as he did. See how the providence of God suits this earth to the various tempers of men, and the dispositions of men to the earth, and all for the good of mankind in general.

Cedar Cedar-Trees Cities Cypress Cypress-Trees Desire Desired Fir Furnished Galilee Gold Hiram Pine Solomon Timber Towns Trees Twenty Tyre Wanted

Cedar Cedar-Trees Cities Cypress Cypress-Trees Desire Desired Fir Furnished Galilee Gold Hiram Pine Solomon Timber Towns Trees Twenty Tyre Wanted