Below Beneath Bulls Cherubim Hammered Hanging Ledges Lions Oxen Panels Pedestal Uprights Wreaths

7:29 Base above - So he calls the upper - most part of the base: for though it was above, yet it was a base to the laver, which stood upon it. Additions - Either as bases for the feet of the said lions and oxen: or, only as farther ornaments.

7:13-47 The two brazen pillars in the porch of the temple, some think, were to teach those that came to worship, to depend upon God only, for strength and establishment in all their religious exercises. Jachin, God will fix this roving mind. It is good that the heart be established with grace. Boaz, In him is our strength, who works in us both to will and to do. Spiritual strength and stability are found at the door of God's temple, where we must wait for the gifts of grace, in use of the means of grace. Spiritual priests and spiritual sacrifices must be washed in the laver of Christ's blood, and of regeneration. We must wash often, for we daily contract pollution. There are full means provided for our cleansing; so that if we have our lot for ever among the unclean it will be our own fault. Let us bless God for the fountain opened by the sacrifice of Christ for sin and for uncleanness.

Additions Base Below Beneath Borders Bulls Cherubim Fillets Frame Frames Garlands Hanging Ledges Manner Ones Oxen Panels Pedestal Sides Square Stays Steps Thin Uprights Winged Work Wreaths

Additions Base Below Beneath Borders Bulls Cherubim Fillets Frame Frames Garlands Hanging Ledges Manner Ones Oxen Panels Pedestal Sides Square Stays Steps Thin Uprights Winged Work Wreaths