Ahab Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Refused Sail Servants Ships Willing Yours

22:49 Would not - He did join with Ahaziah before this time, and before the ships were broken: for the breaking of the ships mentioned here, is noted to be the effect of his sin, in joining with Ahaziah, 2Chron 20:37. And Jehoshaphat being warned and chastised by God for this sin, would not be persuaded to repeat it.

22:41-50 Jehoshaphat's reign appears to have been one of the best, both as to piety and prosperity. He pleased God, and God blessed him.

Ahab Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Refused Sail Servants Ships Time Willing

Ahab Ahaziah Ahazi'ah Jehoshaphat Jehosh'aphat Refused Sail Servants Ships Time Willing