Abishag Ab'ishag Adonijah Adoni'jah Brother Marriage Shunamite Shunammite Shu'nammite Wife

2:12-25 Solomon received Bathsheba with all the respect that was owing to a mother; but let none be asked for that which they ought not to grant. It ill becomes a good man to prefer a bad request, or to appear in a bad cause. According to eastern customs it was plain that Adonijah sought to be king, by his asking for Abishag as his wife, and Solomon could not be safe while he lived. Ambitious, turbulent spirits commonly prepare death for themselves. Many a head has been lost by catching at a crown.

Abishag Ab'ishag Adonijah Adoni'jah Marriage Shunamite Shunammite Shu'nammite Wife

Abishag Ab'ishag Adonijah Adoni'jah Marriage Shunamite Shunammite Shu'nammite Wife