Alloyed Applied Beaten Body-covers Cover Forest Gold Hammered Hundred Lebanon Minas Palace Pound Pounds Putteth Shield Shields Smaller Using Woods

10:17 Shields - Smaller than targets.

10:14-29 Solomon increased his wealth. Silver was nothing accounted of. Such is the nature of worldly wealth, plenty of it makes it the less valuable; much more should the enjoyment of spiritual riches lessen our esteem of all earthly possessions. If gold in abundance makes silver to be despised, shall not wisdom, and grace, and the foretastes of heaven, which are far better than gold, make gold to be lightly esteemed? See in Solomon's greatness the performance of God's promise, and let it encourage us to seek first the righteousness of God's kingdom. This was he, who, having tasted all earthly enjoyments, wrote a book, to show the vanity of all worldly things, the vexation of spirit that attends them, and the folly of setting our hearts upon them: and to recommend serious godliness, as that which will do unspeakably more to make us happy, that all the wealth and power he was master of; and, through the grace of God, it is within our reach.

Alloyed Applied Beaten Body-Covers Cover Forest Gold Hammered House Hundred Lebanon Minas Palace Pound Pounds Putteth Shield Shields Small Smaller Three Using Woods

Alloyed Applied Beaten Body-Covers Cover Forest Gold Hammered House Hundred Lebanon Minas Palace Pound Pounds Putteth Shield Shields Small Smaller Three Using Woods