Matthew 25:15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to each according to his particular ability, and immediately went away out of the country. (DBY)
1 Corinthians 8:8 It is true that a particular kind of food will not bring us into God's presence; we are neither inferior to others if we abstain from it, nor superior to them if we eat it. (WEY)
1 Corinthians 12:11 But all these things operates the one and the same Spirit, dividing to each in particular according as he pleases. (DBY)
1 Corinthians 12:27 Now ye are the body of Christ, and members in particular. (KJV DBY WBS YLT)
1 Corinthians 14:11 If, however, I do not know the meaning of the particular language, I shall seem to the speaker of it, and he to me, to be merely talking some foreign tongue. (WEY)
Ephesians 5:33 Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. (KJV WBS YLT)
2 Peter 1:20 knowing this first, that the scope of no prophecy of scripture is had from its own particular interpretation, (DBY)
Daniel 8:13 Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who spoke, How long shall be the vision concerning the continual burnt offering, and the disobedience that makes desolate, to give both the sanctuary and the army to be trodden under foot? (See NAS)