Isaiah 32:9 Give ear to my voice, you women who are living in comfort; give attention to my words, you daughters who have no fear of danger. (See NAS RSV NIV)

Isaiah 32:10 After a year and days shall ye be troubled, ye confident women; for the vintage shall fail, the ingathering shall not come. (See NAS RSV)

Isaiah 32:11 Be shaking with fear, you women who are living in comfort; be troubled, you who have no fear of danger: take off your robes and put on clothing of grief. (See NAS RSV NIV)

Amos 6:1 Wo 'to' those secure in Zion, And those confident in the mount of Samaria, The marked of the chief of the nations, And come to them have the house of Israel. (See NIV)

Zephaniah 1:12 And it hath come to pass, at that time, I search Jerusalem with lights, And I have laid a charge on the men Who are hardened on their preserved things, Who are saying in their heart: Jehovah doth no good, nor doth He evil. (See NIV)