Arrogant Deceit Faithless Full Good-for-nothing Holy Law Persons Polluted Priests Profane Profaned Prophets Reckless Sacred Sanctuary Treacherous Treachery Unclean Unstable Vain-glorious Violated Violence Violently Wanton

3:4 Her prophet - So called, false prophets. Light - Unstable and inconstant. Violence to the law - Wresting it by perverse interpretation.

3:1-7 The holy God hates sin most in those nearest to him. A sinful state is, and will be, a woful state. Yet they had the tokens of God's presence, and all the advantages of knowing his will, with the strongest reasons to do it; still they persisted in disobedience. Alas, that men often are more active in doing wickedness than believers are in doing good.

Arrogant Deceit Faithless Full Good-For-Nothing Holy Law Persons Polluted Priests Profane Profaned Prophets Reckless Sacred Sanctuary Treacherous Treachery Unclean Violated Violence Violently Wanton

Arrogant Deceit Faithless Full Good-For-Nothing Holy Law Persons Polluted Priests Profane Profaned Prophets Reckless Sacred Sanctuary Treacherous Treachery Unclean Violated Violence Violently Wanton