Accepted Accepts Attention Confided Correction Didn't Draw Drawn Drew Faith Hearkened Heeded Instruction Listens Obey Obeyed Receive Received Teaching Trust Trusted Voice

3:2 The voice - Of God by his mercy and judgments crying aloud.

3:1-7 The holy God hates sin most in those nearest to him. A sinful state is, and will be, a woful state. Yet they had the tokens of God's presence, and all the advantages of knowing his will, with the strongest reasons to do it; still they persisted in disobedience. Alas, that men often are more active in doing wickedness than believers are in doing good.

Accepted Accepts Attention Confided Correction Draw Drawn Drew Faith Hearkened Heeded Instruction Listens Obey Obeyed Obeys Receive Received Teaching Trust Trusted Use Voice

Accepted Accepts Attention Confided Correction Draw Drawn Drew Faith Hearkened Heeded Instruction Listens Obey Obeyed Obeys Receive Received Teaching Trust Trusted Use Voice