Azel Earthquake Extend Fled Flee Holy Judah Mountain Mountains Ones Reach Uzziah Valley Yes

14:5 And ye shall flee [to] the {e} valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach to Azal: yea, ye shall flee, as ye fled from before the {f} earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah: and the LORD {g} my God shall come, [and] all the saints with thee.

(e) He speaks of the hypocrites, who could not abide God's presence, but would flee into all places, where they might hide themselves among the mountains.

(f) Read Am 1:1.

(g) Because they did not credit the Prophet's words, he turns to God and comforts himself in that that he knew that these things would come, and says, You, O God, with your angels will come to perform this great thing.

14:5 The valley of the mountains - A place provided of God for their safety. O Lord my God - As if it were said, though it will, O Lord, put us into fear; yet without such wonderful works we shall not see thy salvation; therefore, O Lord my God come, and bring thy holy ones with thee.

14:1-7 The Lord Jesus often stood upon the Mount of Olives when on earth. He ascended from thence to heaven, and then desolations and distresses came upon the Jewish nation. Such is the view taken of this figuratively; but many consider it as a notice of events yet unfulfilled, and that it relates to troubles of which we cannot now form a full idea. Every believer, being related to God as his God, may triumph in the expectation of Christ's coming in power, and speak of it with pleasure. During a long season, the state of the church would be deformed by sin; there would be a mixture of truth and error, of happiness and misery. Such is the experience of God's people, a mingled state of grace and corruption. But, when the season is at the worst, and most unpromising, the Lord will turn darkness into light; deliverance comes when God's people have done looking for it.

Azel Earthquake Fled Flee Holy Judah Mountains Ones Reach Saints Uzziah Valley

Azel Earthquake Fled Flee Holy Judah Mountains Ones Reach Saints Uzziah Valley