Assemble Battle Captivity Captured Cut Exile Exiled Fight Force Forth Gather Gathered Goods Half Houses Jerusalem Lain Nations Overcome Plundered Prisoners Ransacked Raped Ravished Remnant Removal Residue Rest Rifled Spoiled Town War Women

14:2 All nations - The Romans who at that time had the rule over all the nations of that part of the world. The residue - That small number of the Jews who were spared by Titus. Shall not be cut off - Were not forbidden to dwell about the city.

14:1-7 The Lord Jesus often stood upon the Mount of Olives when on earth. He ascended from thence to heaven, and then desolations and distresses came upon the Jewish nation. Such is the view taken of this figuratively; but many consider it as a notice of events yet unfulfilled, and that it relates to troubles of which we cannot now form a full idea. Every believer, being related to God as his God, may triumph in the expectation of Christ's coming in power, and speak of it with pleasure. During a long season, the state of the church would be deformed by sin; there would be a mixture of truth and error, of happiness and misery. Such is the experience of God's people, a mingled state of grace and corruption. But, when the season is at the worst, and most unpromising, the Lord will turn darkness into light; deliverance comes when God's people have done looking for it.

Battle Captivity Captured City Cut Forth Gather Half Houses Jerusalem Nations Plundered Ravished Residue Rest Rifled Women

Battle Captivity Captured City Cut Forth Gather Half Houses Jerusalem Nations Plundered Ravished Residue Rest Rifled Women