Acting Anyone Appears Begat Begot Birth Bore Born Die Falsehood Falsely Goes Hast Lies Lord's Parents Pass Pierce Pierced Prophesies Prophesieth Prophesy Prophesying Prophet Saying Speak Speakest Spoken Stab Sword Thrust Yet

13:3 And it shall come to pass, [that] when any shall yet {d} prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say to him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him {e} shall thrust him through when he prophesieth.

(d) That is, when they will prophesy lies, and make God, who is the author of truth, a cloak for them.

(e) He shows what zeal the godly will have under the kingdom of Christ; De 13:6,9.

13:3 Prophesy - Falsely. His father - His dearest friends. Shall thrust him through - That is, shall wound, shall chastise him with stripes that may leave their marks behind.

13:1-6 In the time mentioned at the close of the foregoing chapter, a fountain would be opened to the rulers and people of the Jews, in which to wash away their sins. Even the atoning blood of Christ, united with his sanctifying grace. It has hitherto been closed to the unbelieving nation of Israel; but when the Spirit of grace shall humble and soften their hearts, he will open it to them also. This fountain opened is the pierced side of Christ. We are all as an unclean thing. Behold a fountain opened for us to wash in, and streams flowing to us from that fountain. The blood of Christ, and God's pardoning mercy in that blood, made known in the new covenant, are a fountain always flowing, that never can be emptied. It is opened for all believers, who as the spiritual seed of Christ, are of the house of David, and, as living members of the church, are inhabitants of Jerusalem. Christ, by the power of his grace, takes away the dominion of sin, even of beloved sins. Those who are washed in the fountain opened, as they are justified, so they are sanctified. Souls are brought off from the world and the flesh, those two great idols, that they may cleave to God only. The thorough reformation which will take place on the conversion of Israel to Christ, is here foretold. False prophets shall be convinced of their sin and folly, and return to their proper employments. When convinced that we are gone out of the way of duty, we must show the truth of our repentance by returning to it again. It is well to acknowledge those to be friends, who by severe discipline are instrumental in bringing us to a sight of error; for faithful are the wounds of a friend, Pr 27:6. And it is always well for us to recollect the wounds of our Saviour. Often has he been wounded by professed friends, nay, even by his real disciples, when they act contrary to his word.

Appears Begat Birth Bore Die Falsely Lies Mother Prophesies Prophesy Prophet Speak Speakest Thrust

Appears Begat Birth Bore Die Falsely Lies Mother Prophesies Prophesy Prophet Speak Speakest Thrust