Beloved Her'beloved Hosea Hose'a Indeed Loved Named Nation Not-my-people Osee Says Them'my The-not-beloved

9:25 {25} As he saith also in Osee, I will call them my people, which were not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved.

(25) Our vocation or calling is free, and of grace, even as our predestination is: and therefore there is no reason why either our own unworthiness, or the unworthiness of our ancestors should cause us to think that we are not the elect and chosen of God, if we are called by him, and so embrace through faith the salvation that is offered us.

9:25 As he saith also in Osee. See Ho 2:23. That it was God's plan aforetime to call the Gentiles to salvation he shows by this prophecy.

9:25 Beloved - As a spouse. Who once was not beloved - Consequently, not unconditionally elected. This relates directly to the final restoration of the Jews. Hosea 2:23

9:25-29 The rejecting of the Jews, and the taking in the Gentiles, were foretold in the Old Testament. It tends very much to the clearing of a truth, to observe how the Scripture is fulfilled in it. It is a wonder of Divine power and mercy that there are any saved: for even those left to be a seed, if God had dealt with them according to their sins, had perished with the rest. This great truth this Scripture teaches us. Even among the vast number of professing Christians it is to be feared that only a remnant will be saved.

Beloved Hosea Hose'a Indeed Loved Nation

Beloved Hosea Hose'a Indeed Loved Nation