Adversary Completed Ended Expired Finished Imprisonment Loose Loosed Prison Released Satan Thousand

20:7 {14} And when the {15} thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

(14) The second history, of the latter victory of Christ, as was said in Re 20:1. In which are summarily described the work, overthrow, and eternal punishment of Satan.

(15) Of which I spoke. See Geneva Re 20:2 Then there will be given to him liberty to rage against the Church, and to molest the saints for the sins of men: to whom the faithful shall have associated themselves more then was fitting, tasting with them of their impurity of doctrine and life.

20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed. The earth shall have its golden age, but it shall not last forever. Satan shall, when many aged have rolled away, be loosed for a little season. From some cause that is wrapped in the darkness of the future, righteousness shall wane; wickedness shall revive; the great adversary shall in part regain his influence over our race. But it is cheering to know that his triumph will be short. He shall be loosed only for a little season (Re 20:3).

20:7 And when the former thousand years are fulfilled, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison - At the same time that the first resurrection begins. There is a great resemblance between this passage and Rev 12:12. At the casting out of the dragon, there was joy in heaven, but there was woe upon earth: so at the loosing of Satan, the saints begin to reign with Christ; but the nations on earth are deceived.

20:7-10 While this world lasts, Satan's power in it will not be wholly destroyed, though it may be limited and lessened. No sooner is Satan let loose, than he again begins deceiving the nations, and stirring them up to make war with the saints and servants of God. It would be well if the servants and ministers of Christ were as active and persevering in doing good, as his enemies in doing mischief. God will fight this last and decisive battle for his people, that the victory may be complete, and the glory be to himself.

Adversary Completed End Ended Expired Finished Imprisonment Loosed Prison Released Satan Thousand

Adversary Completed End Ended Expired Finished Imprisonment Loosed Prison Released Satan Thousand