Arrows Battle Body-cover Bow Brake Broke Broken Fiery Fight Flaming Flashing Flashings Selah Shafts Shield Shields Shivered Sword Swords War Weapons

76:3 There - At Jerusalem. Sword - Both offensive and defensive weapons. Battle - All the power of the army, which was put in battle - array.

76:1-6 Happy people are those who have their land filled with the knowledge of God! happy persons that have their hearts filled with that knowledge! It is the glory and happiness of a people to have God among them by his ordinances. Wherein the enemies of the church deal proudly, it will appear that God is above them. See the power of God's rebukes. With pleasure may Christians apply this to the advantages bestowed by the Redeemer.

Arrows Battle Body-Cover Bow Brake Broke Broken End Fiery Flaming Flashing Flashings Selah Shafts Shield Shields Shivered Sword Swords War Weapons

Arrows Battle Body-Cover Bow Brake Broke Broken End Fiery Flaming Flashing Flashings Selah Shafts Shield Shields Shivered Sword Swords War Weapons